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Australia Citizenship Test App             Australia Citizenship Test App

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Australian Citizenship Practice Test – Our Common Bond

The Australian citizenship test is designed to assess whether you have an adequate knowledge of Australia and the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship. The citizenship test is also designed to assess whether you have a basic knowledge of the English language. The citizenship test is a computer based multiple choice test in English and consists of 20 questions drawn at random from a pool of questions. To pass the test, you must answer 75 per cent correctly. By passing the citizenship test, you will have shown that you understand the commitment you are making by taking the Australian Citizenship Pledge.

Use the following practice tests to study for your Australian Citizenship Test. Depending on your study style, you can choose to study by individual topics, do a citizenship test simulation (20 randomly selected questions), and/or challenge yourself to the ultimate Australian citizenship marathon test that includes all of the test questions we have.

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Take the Australia Citizenship Course and get access to all the test questions and our bonus cheat sheet.

Australian Citizenship Test - Marathon

This test contains all the Australian Citizenship Test questions we offer for free! Don’t say you are ready for the real test until you pass this test with flying colors!

Australian Citizenship Test

This is our Australian Citizenship Test simulator – same passing score and number of questions as the real test, different EVERY TIME you re-take this test. This test contains questions from the first 2 testable sections.

Australia and its People

In this section, you will learn about the events that have contributed to the Australian story. There is information about Australia’s states and territories, and the traditions and symbols that Australians proudly identify as being distinctly Australian.

Democratic Beliefs, Rights & Liberties

Australians believe in peace, respect, freedom and equality. An important part of being Australian is respecting other people’s differences and choices. Learn every about the democratic beliefs have shaped Australia and culture.

Government and the Law

It is important for you to understand Australia’s system of government, how the laws are made in our parliamentary democracy and how these laws are administered. It is also important to understand how you, as a citizen, will have a say in the running of the country.

Australian Values

In this section, you will learn about the values of Australia. This is a new section added to the recently changed Australia Citizenship Test. You must answer all 5 questions correctly to pass your citizenship test.

Australian Citizenship Test: Additional Resources

Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond
To prepare for the citizenship test, you will need to read the official resource book: Australian Citizenship Our Common Bond.
The Australian Citizenship Pledge
When you attend your Australian citizenship ceremony, you will make the Australian Citizenship Pledge. In doing so, you are making a public commitment to Australia and accepting the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship.

This is the pledge you will make:

From this time forward, under God,*

I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people,

whose democratic beliefs I share,

whose rights and liberties I respect, and

whose laws I will uphold and obey.

* A person may choose whether or not to use the words ‘under God’.

Government Resources


You can obtain more information about Australia at your local library. The following websites may also provide further information:

Australian Government Programs and Services

You can obtain information about Australian Government programs and services from

Federal MP or Senator

Your local federal MP or a Senator for your state or territory has a range of information about Australian Government programs and services. A listing of MPs and senators can be found at

Australian Government Organizations

You can obtain more information about Australian Government organisations referred to in the resource book from the following websites:

Glossary of testable section
Australian Public Service: government departments and people employed by them

civil unrest: demonstrations and riots by large numbers of people, usually protesting against a government decision or policy

coalition: the joining of two or more political parties, usually to form a government or opposition

commission: a group of people with an official responsibility

constitutional monarchy: a country in which a king or queen is the head of state, whose powers are limited by the constitution

court: a place where legal cases are heard by a judge or magistrate

criminal trial: a hearing of facts by a court to decide if a person is guilty or not guilty of an alleged crime.

democracy: government by the people through elected representatives

drug trafficking: carrying or buying drugs to sell illegally

economic deprivation: a form of domestic violence, where one partner in a relationship prevents the other partner from receiving or handling money

election: an event in which citizens choose a person to represent them in parliament

electoral roll: the list of people entitled to vote in an election or referendum

enforce the law: to make sure that people follow the law

executive power: the power and authority to administer the laws, one of the three powers under the Australian Constitution

federation: the union of colonies into one nation with the colonies retaining certain powers

First Fleet: the group of 11 ships which set out from Britain under Captain Arthur Phillip to establish a convict settlement in New South Wales

floral emblem: national flower

forced isolation: a form of domestic violence where one partner in a relationship controls who the other partner sees and talks to, what they read and where they go

from this time forward: from now and in the future

icon: a well known image

Indigenous people: the original inhabitants of the land – in Australia, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Judaeo-Christian: of both the Jewish and the Christian religions

judicial power: the power and authority to interpret and apply the laws, one of the three powers under the Australian Constitution

legislative power: the power and authority to make and change the laws, one of the three powers under the Australian Constitution

liberties (liberty): personal freedom and independence

magistrate: a judge of a lower court

mateship: helping and receiving help from others, especially in difficult times

national anthem: national song

parliamentary democracy: a system of government based on the regular election of representatives to parliament by the citizens

permanent resident: a person who has a visa to work and live in Australia with no time limit

political party: a group of people who share similar ideas about how a country should be governed

public service: the use of time, energy or skill for the good of the nation

referendum: a vote by all voters on a proposed change to the Australian Constitution

representative: a person who acts or speaks for others

review: to consider a proposal for a new law and decide whether to accept or reject it

secret ballot: a system of voting where people vote privately, so no one can influence or pressure them to vote in a certain way

secular: separate from religion

set up: to build, establish, start

shire: a local government area

social security: government pensions or benefits to help unemployed people, disabled people, elderly people and others in need

try your luck: to take a chance

volunteer: a person who gives their time to a person or organisation ithout expecting payment

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