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australia citizenship test

Australian Citizenship Test 

Practice questions are based on the official study guide “Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond”. Learn about Australia and its people, Australia’s democratic beliefs, rights and liberties and Government and the law in Australia.

canada citizenship test

Canadian Citizenship Test

Practice questions are based on the the official study guide “Discover Canada”. Learn about Canada’s history and geography, economy, symbols, justice system, governing system, and the rights and responsibilities of being a Canadian.

uk citizenship test

UK Citizenship Test

Practice questions are based on the the official study guide “Life in the United Kingdom: A Guide For New Residents”. Learn about UK’s history and geography, symbols, governing system, and the rights and responsibilities of being a UK citizen.

us citizenship test

U.S. Citizenship Test

Civics practice questions are based on the official study guide from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Learn about America’s history & geography, governing system, and the rights & responsibilities of being a U.S. citizen.

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